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who fuckin with re-up, can see us, conceited red hots, getcher red hots r-e-u-p, yeah, that's us, bruh i'm telling tim whatever you want, you're gonna get it if i could take one moment into my hand i'm so lazy i can't even be bothered walk the streets i'm out to get you hold on to jesus' hand somehow a connection is made Tuesday, March 04, 2008
so fresh and so clean, down with michael ledeen:
People sometimes ask: how can you really be friends with Eli Lake? Well, first, to borrow a piece of wisdom from Jon Chait, if you can only be friends with people who see things your way, I feel bad for you. Second, Eli's a great guy. Third, as the only neocon who's a real journalist -- I guess Jeff Goldberg would kinda-sorta fall in this category too -- he pulls off stuff like this.
If Senator Clinton can best Senator Obama in today's round of primaries and caucuses and go on to capture the White House, a co-author of the surge strategy in Iraq says he is convinced she would hold off on authorizing a large-scale immediate withdrawal of American soldiers from Iraq.Read the whole thing. Jack Keane and others close to HRC suggest to Eli that HRC only sounds opposed to the war because she needs to win the nomination. So there you have it: she started out working for McGovern, but she runs for president as Nixon. Also, I need to convince Sue Stormshadow (a/k/a Chemical Allie to you Baltimore roller-derby fans) to release the track she recorded of Eli and myself a couple years ago. It's called "Neocon Phenomenon" and features Eli freestyling over a beat Sue wrote while I sing the chorus. The Zionist Scientist will have y'all rewinding this. --Spencer Ackerman
It could be that I am apt to pre-classify all neocons as intellectually dishonest. It's been a time-saver over the last decade or so. Perhaps we need better taxonomy to clearly denote the tribal distinctions a la metal subgenres? |