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mix it, stir it in the pot, watch it turn gluish, ... leave it all behind if they got flow, then sign em to re-up gang cuz momma we came to dance I'm home, get the patron and tell em that it's on put my name down, sir, where do i sign I got more shooters in Queensbridge than you every day that i don't eat a gun, i won, i won i'm tired of fighting, it's four in the morning re-up, yeah i said gang, bruh Monday, February 11, 2008
give me courage for my passions and my pain:
Remember 2005, when President Bush said we were winning in Iraq, only to later concede that we weren't (but the dirty hippies who said that at the time were still wrong)? Back then, the Rand Corporation penned a study outlining the now-conventional wisdom that the Bush administration invaded Iraq without a clue of how to occupy it, a central mistake that exacerbated the insurgency. The New York Times's Michael Gordon reports that the Army censored Rand's unclassified report. Why?
The Army's line: The report on rebuilding Iraq was part of a seven-volume series by RAND on the lessons learned from the war. Asked why the report has not been published, Timothy Muchmore, a civilian Army official, said it had ventured too far from issues that directly involve the Army.The likely truth: A Pentagon official who is familiar with the episode offered a different interpretation: Army officials were concerned that the report would strain relations with a powerful defense secretary and become caught up in the political debate over the war. “The Army leaders who were involved did not want to take the chance of increasing the friction with Secretary Rumsfeld,” said the official, who asked not to be identified because he did not want to alienate senior military officials.Cowards! In mid-2007, Army Lieutenant Colonel Paul Yingling, a hero of Tal Afar, wrote an incisive j'accuse in Armed Forces Journal, blasting the general officer corps for failing to stand up to the daydream believers in the Bush administration. Yingling looks really prescient right now. It's also worth noting that what the Army did hurt national security. One of the reasons the U.S. possesses the mightiest Army in the history of mankind is because it's an adaptive, learning institution. To deny the Army the benefits of learning from the Iraq debacle in order to insulate George W. Bush from criticism is a betrayal of that institutional mission. --Spencer Ackerman