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bodies are hauled off all the beating drums, the celebration guns but now all the stations are silent cause they ain... how you like me now, but you didn't before, cause ... it's mostly the voice oh but they hate you they hate you cause you're gu... rush to the front so i can see you don't wanna fuck with them brick city kids all the beating drums, the celebration guns all the beating drums, the celebration guns Saturday, March 29, 2008
ain't mean jack till that tool gotta talk:
Scenes from the Second Sadrist Intifada. First, note that, according to Raghavan's piece, Mahdi Army militiamen actually agree with my friend that the Sadrist ceasefire is still on. They just interpret the ceasefire as not applying only to U.S. forces. Is it too early for a drink?
The fighters also said they received neither support nor training from Iran, as U.S. military commanders allege. Their Iranian weapons, they said, were bought from smugglers. They said they had been fighting only American soldiers and had not yet engaged with any Iraqi forces inside Sadr City.Second, here's the AP's summation in Baghdad: Shiite militiamen are everywhere. Police and Iraqi army checkpoints are nowhere in sight. U.S. soldiers are keeping their distance.Third, subscription-only IraqSlogger says the Mahdi Army has driven Sons of Iraq forces out of areas around Sadr City. I don't know whether that means the JAMmies have driven the Sunnis back to the Sunni east-of-the-Tigris enclave of Adhimiya or out of that district, which would be stunning. And finally, the Los Angeles Times reports that Sadr is rejecting Maliki's call to disarm in Basra. Shiite cleric Muqtada Sadr sent a defiant signal to Iraq's government today, urging militiamen fighting Iraqi and U.S. forces to reject calls to disarm as American airstrikes continued. ... --Spencer Ackerman