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well i beg your pardon together forever and never to part, together for e... wages of sin, we keep paying many people tell me the style is terrific, it is k... You're going to reap just what you sow we're the brews sporting anti-swastika tattoos but listen, we the Re-Up Gang, we ain't the norm when the bomb drops it'll be a bank holiday green and violet blue, no matter what you say old man, take a look at your life Friday, January 25, 2008
tin full of nails pint of jelly timing device insane intentions:
Dana Stevens is on a motherfucking roll:
Rambo combines an unapologetic return to the grand action-movie tradition of blowing shit up (one explosion is so big, it leaves behind its own miniature mushroom cloud) with a Saw-era interest in close-ups of human viscera. The problem is that the moral meaning of the gore keeps changing. The airborne organs of a helpless Karen villager are supposed to make us scream, "Rambo, right this injustice!" while the splattered guts of a Burmese army officer are meant to evoke a reaction along the lines of, "Aw yeah."God, can I not wait to see Rambo tomorrow. --Spencer Ackerman