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What gives you the right to fuck with our lives: LVII What gives you the right to fuck with our lives: LVI Fuck this city! Run by pigs! They're taking the ri... who's that guy just hanging at your pad? he's look... Black as your soul, I'd rather die than give you c... What gives you the right to fuck with our lives: LV eater of worlds a name -- I recognize that name Don't be the next contestant on that SummerJam screen Friday, November 24, 2006
how can we sleep when their beds are burning:
Courtesy of Jonathan Schwarz at Tiny Revolution, here's a scanned-in capture of the minutes of what John Quiggin is calling a second Downing Street Memo. It's a February 2002 memo summaring a conversation between Australia's United Nations ambassador and a ... wheat company executive. In it, John Dauth, the ambassador, forecasts an American invasion of Iraq predicated on WMD but in truth originating out of the post-9/11 American mania. Dauth comes astonishingly close, for someone observing before the debate over UN SC Resolution 1441, to predicting the actual time frame for launching the invasion.
Downing Street this ain't. Employ Occam's Razor here: there just isn't any way that the Australian ambassador to the United Nations is privvy to any White House or Pentagon warplanning. What Dauth is doing in this meeting is giving the wheat company executive, Trevor Flugge, his read on foreign affairs in the wake of 9/11, and how Australia would react. Look, in November 2001, Lawrence wrote a cover story for TNR on the "Coming War Against Saddam." It didn't report any explosive new revelations. Instead, it fleshed out the backstory to why war was increasingly a foregone conclusion. All this is to say that it wasn't exactly sui generis for Bush to invade Iraq. Hell, for my college newspaper's fall 2001 parody issue I wrote a fake AP dispatch reporting that the bombs were falling on Baghdad. After all, the Jew had been scheming about this one for a long ti -- um, I mean, there was a long intellectual pedigree for an invasion in right-wing circles, and the attacks created a unique political opportunity for launching the war. Even a marginal figure like John Dauth could see that. --Spencer Ackerman
How does that follow? |