Monday, March 24, 2008
you gotta think, think about what you're trying to do to me:
Seriously? This is self-parody. KTHXBAYH
--Spencer Ackerman
I love how the byline had to be Seelye, too. The only person too stupid to include at least a minimal "to be sure, different people vote in general elections than in primaries, and of course, the nominees agreed upon certain rules that don't include following an electoral college approach" graf. Revisit her work during 1999-2000. Sickening.
Blogger Marc Hogan | 7:20 AM

Hey, I got an idea! Let's consider the number of bullets dodged at foreign airports.

Here's to Bill Richardson who hopefully is the beginning of big-time endorsements. Who's this week? Gore, Edwards...?
Blogger Unknown | 9:36 AM