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is it all right? really? is it working? What gives you the right to fuck with our lives: C... your one wish you'll never get in my world there are no limits or lies just your nuts laying on a fucking dresser fuck the idol, let's keep our eyes wide open but this time is gonna be the best, it's gonna get... my t-shirt shows everything, yeah, i'm a superstar hurling and imperialism to be the first to finish and the last to start Friday, January 19, 2007
we can be heroes, just for one day:
Who am I? Graeme Lamb. I'm a Scotsman.I spend my entire adult life doing this stuff, 25 -- no, 35 years now; know nothing else, really.I have a youthful spirit, a sense of humor.I still believe in duty, service and sacrifice.May be a bit old-fashioned."Go as a pilgrim and seek out danger, far from the comforts and the well-lit avenues of life" type stuff.I still believe in heroes.Hooray! Heroes! But here's Pam "Longshanks" Hess: Coood ye, now? He also has a funny and approving reference to the "American crisis" of 1776, which you wouldn't expect a subject of the Queen to make. --Spencer Ackerman